The Author
Douglas “DOUG” Rowley
Doug is an avid pilot with over 19,800 hours in flight and has spent his professional life flying for the United States Airforce and United Airlines. He was the general contractor and built his own home, putting in hundreds of hands-on hours to make his dream home a reality. He is retired and living on a 45-acre ranch in South Dakota.
He is the owner of the four pieces of equipment in “Digger and Friends” and has used them extensively. He has always wanted to write a book for kids. What makes the construction equipment special to the younger reader is that they are small and “fun size”. They show that size doesn’t matter when it comes to getting the job done. His first book “Digger and Friends let’s build a house” was written as a labor of love and to enlighten his grandchildren about the use of the construction equipment. They loved it and asked for more stories about the Friends. His second book “Digger and Friends – Earth day” is written to inspire the young reader to volunteer, recycle and care about the earth.

Digger and Friends:
Let's Build a House
Want a little one to know about the construction process from a bare lot? DIGGER AND FRIENDS get a section of undisturbed land ready for the building of a house. Then when the house is done, they landscape the lot and make it beautiful for the new owners.